Thursday, December 4, 2014

Reconsidering the Super Hero - Promethea

Promethea had a lot of historical symbols and uses of types of materials. There is heavy use of ancient Egyptian gods and concepts. The biggest symbols I noticed while reading the comic were Promethea’s snake staff, the sun symbols on multiple pages, and the playfulness of stretching time. They took the main character and enabled her story to be timeless. Once Promethea’s era began and ended there would be a new Promethea in line to continue the saga.

I loved the little girl in 400 A.D. that was dealing with being on the run after her father was murdered by a radical religious cult. The little girl feels so hopeless and scared but the higher entities visit her and tell her she is full of meaning. She doesn’t need to travel anywhere. Wherever you are, you are part of it and you are in it. I’ve read another book called The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. These stories have very similar ideas in communicating that we all have that inner richness that can make you feel good. “Gold Soul Theory”, the idea that you do not need any material thing beyond yourself. We see a lot of commonalities in Eastern religions such as Buddhism and how suffering comes from outside of you because of your attachments to the outside world.

I actually loved the comic for what it is. The ink work looked pretty cool but I’ve been seeing some comics with their panels laid out in watercolors. Watercolor comics have always been appealing to my eye. I got to take a look earlier this week into the Arkham Asylum Batman comic. The frames in that book were amazing. The only changes I would make would probably be some areas in the story in regards to writing. I didn’t like how corny it felt when Sophia was telling her friend about how she just turned into the character she was writing about. I get it but it didn’t sit right with me.

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